So many rabbit holes this week, but the one I'm super excited about is Brandy Carlile music! It's my new favorite...
ROW80 Update #ROW80
Good morning! I've been working hard (kind of). I've actually been resting a lot too. I had surgery last week, and...
A Lenten Fast #blogging #life #writing #newreleases #editing
Well, it has been a long time since I've been on this blog. I unintentionally gave up blogging for Lent it seems. Go...
Christmas Eve isn’t as relaxed as it used to be #ROW80 & #WIPpetWednesday
Christmas Eve isn't a break for me like it used to be. I was just telling the SO the other day that it's a bit weird...
Such a travesty … #WIPpetWednesday & #ROW80
So I haven't really written since last Saturday--like at all. I've been busy with an assembly, with church stuffs and...
Playing with words #WIPpetWednesday and #ROW80
Let's do ROW80 update first today. 1. Fallen from Grace: write 1 chapter a week (moving week excluded)...
An update and a hope! #ROW80
Hello all! Here I am on a Sunday morning typing up a post. Usually I do these on Saturday because my Sunday mornings...
The Seventh Commandment — WIPpet Wednesday in style
If there's one thing I've learned about this novel series, it's that people really like Peter. Peter is a bit...
Circus Act #WIPpet Wednesday and a #ROW80 update
A ROW80 update first. 1. Fallen from Grace: write 1 chapter a week (moving week excluded) -- I haven't finished the...
Little fishies in the sea, all the wonders there can be #ROW80 update
Well, it's Sunday. That means it's time for a ROW80 update! w00t! I have gotten a lot done this week. A reminder of my...
#WIPpet and #ROW80 ayup…it’s July 16, 2014
Hey all. Yes, I know I didn't do ROW80 on Sunday. Alls fair, I was in a house with no internet at all, and it would...
So excited! I just can’t hide it! #WIPpet & #ROW80 update
So I'm writing this post on Monday because I'm so damn excited and I can't wait to share. I actually did some massive...
Holla! It’s WIPpet Wednesday!
Hey all! It's a crazy busy time of life for me right now. I'll share more next week (hopefully). I'm still not ready...
WIPpet Wednesday May 14, 2014
I was having a really hard time deciding whether or not to post a blurb or an excerpt from a short story I wrote this...
For by Grace COVER REVEAL #authorcorner
Today is the cover reveal for my newest novel For by Grace. This is the start of a new series called Spirit of Grace....
WIPpet Wednesday!!! March 26, 2014
I'm back!!!!! So sorry I didn't comment on anything the last time. I was overwhelmed and stressed with a lot of things...
Updates from the Beyond
Yes, I have noticed that I haven't been around in the last few weeks. It's honestly because I've been so busy, and not...
Tiaras, crowns and the royal throne!
I thought that I should give you all an update on what's going on book-wise. I've been posting excerpts for awhile...
Excitement and more!
As most of you know, I spent two weeks traveling around the US from the East Coast to almost the West Coast. What you...
Interview with Aaron Speca & Cover Reveal for “Dying Embers”
Hey y'all (I can say that since I live in Texas). I was interviewed by Aaron Speca, an amazing, amazing person. The...