Gender Bender

I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and one of those reasons is because I don’t understand or desire to have gender confines. While I do consider myself female, the confinements that we put on infants, children, teenagers, adults are unacceptable to me. I...

“A Divine Life” by R.E. Hargrave

Welcome one and welcome all. As you know, I read books (who would guess that?). Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of reading R.E. Hargrave’s first book in The Divine Trilogy. It’s a fascinating read with interesting characters that goes deeper into the...

Shore-Leave and babies

So if you didn’t already know, I’m traveling this week and the next week. (Visiting the maman and the godsons.) It means that sometimes I screw things up (like my WIPpet on Wednesday…evil phones are evil). While I have a computer, I thought I’d...