by adrianjsmith | Oct 2, 2013 | Grammar Rules of the Week, Writing Goodies!
These are two that get mixed up ALL the time, and it annoys me to no end. They mean very different things and can completely change the reading of a sentence and what follows. EXAMPLES Rusty, the wonder kitten, scarfed down her food and then vomited it up. Rusty...
by adrianjsmith | Sep 30, 2013 | Writing Goodies!
Sometimes it’s only a moment, when the world finally stops spinning, when the toilet finally stops exploding and the pets finally stop chasing each other. A sudden calm and stillness takes over that fills our souls to the brim and wishes us good joy and wealth in...
by adrianjsmith | Sep 25, 2013 | WIPpet Wednesdays, Writing Goodies!
Welcome to WIPpet Wednesday where we all make posts of our current WIP (Work In Progress) associated with the date. We link them up here and then read everyone else’s. Feel free to join in! This week I’ll continue with Emma’s story…I had a...
by adrianjsmith | Sep 25, 2013 | Grammar Rules of the Week, Writing Goodies!
These are two words that I do see mixed up on occasion. It might just be typos, but I figured it’d be better to explore than to not. These two have very different meanings. EXAMPLES Rusty defiantly stood at the window, waiting for the threatening kitten she saw...
by adrianjsmith | Sep 21, 2013 | Uncategorized
Mama counted the money in her purse. I watched as she pulled out all the receipts, trying to find the few coins that would make it possible. I was six that day, and all I wanted for my birthday was McDonalds. We were still at home, and I carefully kept my eyes on her...