Sapphic stories with healing heroines.

Whether it's romance, speculative fiction, or thriller you love best, all my protagonists are on a journey of healing and self-discovery.
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Praise for A.J.’s novels

"A great love story with hot encounters. … The storyline is excellent and well written. I wish that there were more stories about older women. I definitely recommend this to everyone.”

Loek about Memoir in the Making

“The story is filled with danger, intrigue, and learning powerful lessons about how you perceive other people and how they perceive you.”

C. Melloh about Unbound (Quarter Life #1)

"This book was definitely different, but it certainly kept me on my toes as I read!!! It’s suspenseful and gritty. The storyline was unique and interestingly twisted. I loved the dynamics of the characters as well!"

Melissa Mendoza about Lost & Forsaken: A Detective Grace Story (Missing Persons #1)

What Will You Pick?

Choose the sapphic adventure that’s calling to you.


Women-loving-women love stories that are heartfelt, passionate, and definitely a bit steamy.

Speculative Fiction

Sci-fi and paranormal novels  that answer the question, “What would happen if…?”


Novels that will get your pulse racing, but not just because of their steamy scenes.

About Adrian J. Smith

Adrian J. Smith (aka, AJ) has been has been writing nearly her entire life and publishing since 2013.

With a focus on women loving women fiction, AJ jumps genres from action-packed police procedurals to the seedier life of vampires and witches to sweet romances with a May-December twist. She loves writing and reading about women in the midst of the ordinariness of life. Two of her novels, For by Grace and Memoir in the Making, received honorable mentions with the Rainbow Awards.

AJ currently lives in Cheyenne, WY, although she moves often and has lived all over the United States. She loves to travel to different countries and places. She currently plays the roles of author, wife, and mother to two rambunctious toddlers, occasional handy-woman.

From the Blog

Most recent author updates and musings.

Snow days and sledding!

We've had a couple snow days in the last few months. Most of them have been virtual learning days, which with a Kindergartner is a total blast. NOT. Kinder kids haven't been issue iPads by the district, so his teacher usually sends home her lesson plan, exactly, with...

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