Good morning everyone! After a night of fun and games that involved bowling to the best of my ability and laser tag,...
Grammar Wednesday: Word Mixups – Passed v Past
Here's two that get mixed up often...I even get confused on it. Passed is an action, used primarily with people...
WIPpet Wednesday! Sept 11, 2013
So last week, I didn't get many comments. It was suggested that perhaps this was due to the small WIPpet that I...
Grammar Wednesday: Word Mixups – Gentle v Genteel v Gentile
Here's a three-fer. Gentle means to be nice, to be kind and soft and comforting. Genteel means to be polite and...
WIPpet Wednesday!! September 4, 2013
Good morning and welcome to the land of the living. I absolutely almost forgot that today was Wednesday. *hides* but I...
Grammar Wednesday: Word Mixups — Lightning v Lightening
Good morning folks! I almost forgot that today is Wednesday. My life has been a bit crazy this week. This week we're...
Grammar Wednesday: Word Mixups – Who vs. Whom
So I might be cheating a little bit this week. Throughout moving, school starting, work starting, and some medical...
WIPpet Wednesday August 28, 2013
Welcome, welcome, welcome! It's Wednesday. That means it's WIPpet Wednesday. That means you get an excerpt from my...
WIPpet Wednesday! August 20, 2013
Well, here we go. I'm back! Yay! School has started, work has started, I'm moving in 9 days, life is about to stay...
Grammar Wednesday: Word Mixups — Further vs Farther
I recently read a book, not to be named, where the author could NOT figure out the difference between further and...
She’s somebody’s hero…
The topic for this Creative Buzz Hop is superheros. And while I could easily go on and on about superheros in comics,...
Gender Bender
I'm not everyone's cup of tea, and one of those reasons is because I don't understand or desire to have gender...
WIPpet Wednesday! August 7, 2013
Welcome, welcome, welcome. I decided since I'm procrastinating to do my WIPpet this week. You can join in! Anyone can....
WIPpet Wednesday!! July 31, 2013 (Harry Potter’s Birthday)
Good morning! I'm joining in from the East Coast today with a spectacular visit with my mother. Can you imagine? I...
Grammar Wednesday: TENSES — future
This is the rarest of all for an entire story/novel to be written in. However, there are often sections that require...
The wonderful world of writing!
I received an email from my publisher this morning with my final final edits to Dying Embers. That means, I have one...
Grammar Wednesday: TENSES — something that happened
This is where it gets confusing for people. When writing in present tense about something that happened in the past....
#WIPpet Wednesday: July 24, 2011 #wip #amwriting
So...It's Wednesday! That means it's WIP Wednesday! WooHoo! If you haven't heard, I finished my last WIP, so guess...
Ashes Fall and the end of the James Matthew’s Trilogy
Today is a day to be remembered! But isn't every day? =P I spent about six hours writing today and completed the novel...
WIPpet Wednesdays: July 17, 2013
It's Wednesday! That means it's WIPpet Wednesday!! You can join us any time just by creating a post of your current...