Here's the next series! Tenses! I'm thinking four posts in this one, at least for the main four things people...
Grammar Wednesday: Pet Peeves and Americanisms
It is not OK. It is okay. ** It is not alright. It is all right. *** It is not wanna, gonna, coulda, shoulda, woulda....
Grammar Wednesday: POV–3rd Person Omniscient
So, you thought you were done with the last post? You're not. There is one more. This person is slowly becoming more...
Grammar Wednesday: POV–3rd person
Third person is my favorite person to write in. I have to say, I absolutely love and adore it. Recently people have...
Grammar Wednesday: POV–2nd Person
This is the type of person or POV that you will find the least of. It's also, in my opinion, the hardest to write and...
Grammar Wednesday: POV–1st person
I've decide the next group of grammar goodness will be about persons in writing. There are typically 3 persons, 1st,...
Grammar Wednesday: the “U” and the “A”
This is a common mistake that I find with my copy-editing, and it has to do with tenses, which I will eventually...
Grammar Wednesday: ACTIVE PHRASING
Hello everyone! I know some of you were sad that I missed last week's Grammar Wednesday, but I didn't miss it. I was...
Grammar Wednesday: Spelling and Grammar errors–mental_floss
So...since it is finals week for me, and I am still working like mad on this queer migration paper. This is your...
Grammar Wednesday: Quoting a quote
I was writing, and I had a question. This is how I typically come up with finding grammatical rules to remember for...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA SPLICE–finding them!
I thought I would make a post on how to find comma splices. They're not exactly the easiest thing in the world to...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA SPLICE–rearranging
I realize that this post is going to be short, as it should be pretty self-explanatory. However, next week I will be...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA SPLICE–Em dash
Use an Em dash An Em dash will strongly connect the two independent clauses. Em dashes to resolve comma splices are...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA SPLICE–new sentence
C. Start a new sentence Starting a new sentence when encountering a comma splice will put more emphasis in both...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA SPLICE–Semi-colon
A semi-colon is used as a way to separate the two independent clauses more than just a comma and coordinating...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA SPLICE–coordinating conjunction
Our new grammatical issue to look at, for the next five weeks or so, is the comma splice. Are you ready? This one has...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA–sequence of events/lists
Welcome! Guess what?! This is the last week on commas! Oh my! Unless someone really doesn't understand one of the...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA–direct salutation
Direct salutations occur mainly in dialogue when one character is calling another by a specific name. Now, this can be...
Grammar Wednesday: COMMA–Introductory/Concluding phrases and words
The introductory phrase can be a bit confusing, but it's probably one of the easiest rules to remember. EXAMPLE: 1. If...
Grammar Wednesday: Comma–parenthetical phrase
A parenthetical is easy. If it could go into parenthesis, a.k.a if it makes not difference to the meaning behind the...