I am paving the way toward professionalism in this little world called writing. Yesterday, I was awarded (it's a...
Finish Line
I can see it. Almost taste the joy of crossing that line and being done with the first major round of editing on this...
Getting back into it
I have not worked on FOR BY GRACE since last Monday. Oh. My. God! It's insane! I had one whirlwind of a week between...
Productive Procrastination
I have a ton of stuff to do today. None of it is actually "due" but I need to get it done. So, why am I blogging? As a...
For by Grace TIDBITS!
“It is. I’m holed up in the security office if you ever want to stop by.” “My section is on the other side of the...
Been editing this evening!! My stuff and chapters for others. Either way, I am making progress on my wall Before....
To continue on romance…
In my current novel, from the first few chapters, it should be pretty obvious that this is NOT a romance novel. I work...
On romance in a not romance novel….
Okay peoples! Sirena wrote this in a blog post, and I feel the need to reiterate the fact that NOT EVERY NOVEL HAS TO...
Super Secret Project (that’s not so secret) Title REVEAL!
I have let it slip a few times what the actual title of this novel is, but this is the actual 100% totally awesome...
Good things come in small packages…
I just got home from one of the longest days at school. I'm looking forward to tonight and relaxing with a good friend...
The Downward Spiral
So...I finished writing my 85k word novel yesterday in a massive rush of typing away during spring break and now...now...
Battery Assault
Hey guys! So my writing was slow today. Sadly it had to do with a lot of pain in my wrist. So instead of pushing...
Holy cow!
Oh goodness! Yesterday I surpassed even my own expectations and was up crazy late writing. So...that's why this post...
In the Line & Conspiracy to Commit
I finished two chapters today (one is short, I swear I'm not THAT insane). I am, however, working on chapter 11. There...
Drunken Jesus
Yes, that is the title of the chapter. No, I will not tell you more! This chapter was easy to write until the end and...
Schrodinger’s Cat
Here's what I have been working on today! I'm finally getting back into writing after a very busy month of traveling,...
Alien Arrival
This is what I've been working on most of the day. It's got one of my favorite scenes! The scene is based in truth. I...
One up, One down
I finished writing chapter 4 of the super secret project that's not so secret yesterday. It took longer than I...
Devil’s Advocate
Wrote about 8k words today! My original goal was 5k and I upped it to 10k. I'm satisfied and taking the rest of the...
DV 101
Guess who's writing! Oh right, that's me! I've been writing a lot of today. Here's a pic of the first chapter of my...