It’s that time of year #ROW80

December 21, 2014
Written by adrianjsmith

It’s that time of year when things all get smashed together in a short period of time. Happy things and sad things. Death and dying are oh so prominent throughout the holiday season. I just got off the phone with the funeral director of the funeral home in this tiny little town (he runs about 5 funeral homes I think), and he said he’s so busy this week that he can’t go to every funeral.

You might be wondering why I was on the phone with the funeral director…someone died. That’s really the only reason he would have to call me. Someone died and I get to meet with the family and work on the funeral. Someone died because that’s what people do. They live and they die, and a lot of times it happens right around the holiday season.

I can’t tell you if it’s just because people get to see all their friends and family one last time and they finally feel as though they can let go, or if it’s depression that pushes them toward suicide (that number largely goes up just after the holiday season), or if it’s simply just a mutual end of time and start for new beginnings. But it happens, and I’m sure almost every funeral director can attest to it.

Anyway, I did go off on a bit of a ramble there. My week will be filled with Christmasy things with family and planning for a funeral on the 27th. Here’s my ROW80 update.

1. Write 1667 words a day.

This isn’t happening, but I did write a little bit yesterday!

2. keep up with all blog posts ROW80, WIPpet, Open When and add in 1 extra post a week

This happened this week! My extra post was a cover reveal and I did get Open When up and ready. I have Open When scheduled 2-3 days a week until I can catch up with them all.

3. Edit at least one chapter a week on something.

This happened. I edited one chapter of Unbound, finished a copy-edit so I’m finally copy-edit free!! Meaning, I also to a slight break from editing but will jump back into it real soon. I have 3 books out next year, so I need to get on that.

4. crochet one round of border a week

I crocheted two rounds this week, and I finished the afghan. Pictures to come probably on Wednesday check-in, since it’s been off and mailed and hopefully said person will receive it by then!


Have a great holiday season! And remember, tell your loved ones how much you love them. Life is short, and it always ends.

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  1. jnfr

    >> And remember, tell your loved ones how much you love them. Life is short, and it always ends.

    Thanks for that reminder to us all. So true, and important to remember.

    • Adrian

      It really is

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