Grammar Wednesday: Word Mixups – Passed v Past

September 18, 2013
Written by adrianjsmith

Here’s two that get mixed up often…I even get confused on it. Passed is an action, used primarily with people passing by something or another person. Past is used with time.

She passed by him in the past. (if you want to get in your wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey mindset)


Soldier, the white dog, passed by Arwen, the black and white dog, while they raced for the ball.

Time past so slow, each tick on the clock reminding Adrian why she wasn’t out of class–her professor would not stop talking.


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  1. Graham Powell (@graham_powell)

    What do you think about walking “past” something, i.e. “I walked past a giant bug on the sidewalk.” “Past” seems correct, but now I’m not sure…

    • Adrian

      It’s correct.

  2. Iona Nerissa

    Reblogged this on A Whispered Wind and commented:
    I see this everywhere, all the time.. especially in news reports and magazines.. where are the Editors? Great reminder!

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