Goals for the first round of the year! #ROW80

January 5, 2015
Written by adrianjsmith

Well, it’s the start of a new round, meaning I have to make some goals up. I certainly should have been thinking about this a lot sooner than just last night and this morning. So I guess that means my goals are likely to change.

1. write 1667 words a day

I really liked this goal from last time, and I think it did really well in keeping me writing. So I shall do it again!

2. Blog posts each week: ROW80, WIPpet, Open When, and 1 extra post

3. Audio: Record/Edit a chapter a week of For by Grace

I’ve been slacking on this and not doing it at all, so that means I really have to get to doing it.


Those be my goals. Now here’s to accomplishing them!!

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  1. Elizabeth Anne Mitchell

    It’s always a good idea to continue with what works, so yay for finding a goal that works! It’s also good that you’ve added one that has fallen off your radar–I find that sometimes gulits me into doing it. 🙂

    Glad to see you again. Have a great Round!

  2. theworld4realz

    Good luck! I’m attempting 500 words per day, with hopes of completing my WIP by June 30, 2015. We can do this!

    • Adrian

      Yes we can!!

  3. Ruth Nestvold

    Simple goals, but ambitious — and sounds like they are very effective!

    Good luck this round. 🙂

    • Adrian

      Hopefully!! Good to see you around!

      • Ruth Nestvold

        Yeah, been kinda slow recently, what with the holidays, and then all the gunk invading my head …

        • Adrian


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