Funny Money #WIPpetWednesday and #ROW80

January 28, 2015
Written by adrianjsmith

I really must apologize for not visiting anyone last week. Between having a crappy weekend and then dealing and fighting with depression and illness, it wasn’t possible. Hopefully most of that is over now, or at least will be over by the end of today.

I’m going to try and make up for the days I haven’t written, which now include yesterday. Although, yesterday I came home from work after an hour and a half because I could barely even sit up in my chair. My secretary yelled at me for coming in at all. I feel much better now.

Here’s my ROW80 update.

  • write 1667 words a day
    • Sunday – 0
    • Monday – 2099
    • Tuesday – 0
  • Blog posts each week:ROW80,WIPpet, Open When, and 1 extra post
    • Got this and a few extra for the next two weeks! w00t!
  • Audio: Record/Edit a chapter a week
    • Not done

I have also been working on some promotional stuffs. So … you all get to hear about it now.

Memoir in the Making is being released soon. If you are an author of LGBT et al fiction, sign up for the release party! Free promo to you (pick more than one date). If you want to participate in the blog tour, here’s a sign up. It is a review only tour, so yeah, but LOADS of time to read it.

We’re also doing a blitz for Love is a Mess anthology along with exchanging guest posts through the authors, so you can look forward to that upcoming on my blog. I think that’s all the promo I’ve been setting up. That and getting swag ready. I really need to stop having two releases back to back. It about killed me last summer and I imagine it might this year as well.

Now for WIPpet Wednesday. I really do apologize for not visiting anyone. I try to get to all of you, but this was a hard week. So, I’m trying again this week. 11 short paragraphs from chapter 9, Funny Money. I get 11 because 1 + 2 + 8 = 11.

Grace pulled the free bill out from her pocket and looked it over again. “Is this what you paid for your meal with?”

“How do I know? I paid cash, yes, but I don’t know if that’s the bill I gave them or not.”

“Well, it is the bill you gave them. Lance, your waiter, took it directly to his manager when he noticed something wasn’t quite right with it.”

“What do you mean something’s not right with it?”

“Look closely.”

Grace held the bill up so he could see. After a few seconds he shook his head. “I see nothing wrong with it.”

“That’s interesting. I don’t remember you being a president.”


Grace pointed to the picture on the front of it. “This is you. This is not a president. You made fake money with your own damn image on it. How stupid could you be?”

“This has to be a mistake.”

“No mistake.”

If you’re interested in joining ROW80, here’s the link to their website. If you’re interested in joining WIPpet Wednesdays, here are the rules and subsequent links. Rule 1: Make a blog post with your WIP (Work in Progress). Rule 2: Make your excerpt somehow relate to the date. Rule 3: link it up here. Rule 4: visit others and comment. We all love comments.

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  1. kathils

    “I don’t remember you being a president.” OMG I laughed hysterically at that. And he’s clueless. O_o Good one.

    And hope things swing upwards for you this week.

    • Adrian

      haha yeah…gotta love Grace and her sense of humor. I hope it swings upward too. I need it.

  2. Kate Sparkes

    “This is you. This is not a president.”

    If I had a dime for every time someone has had to say that to me…

    Hope you feel better this week.

    • Adrian

      haha I might need like $100 for every time someone has said that to me, but yeah. =P Hopefully this week will be better. I think we’re nearing the end of some of the drama.

  3. ReGi McClain

    LOL! Oh, that’s so funny. Did you get inspiration for this one from an actual event? Cuz there are some criminals out there who just have some serious thinking-through issues.

    • Adrian

      Yes I did on this one.

      • ReGi McClain

        LOL. All the better. 😀

  4. Abigail Erynne

    I am confused, but amused, so at least I’m rhyming! I think I have some catching up to do, here…

    • Adrian

      Lol what are you confused about? I guess I did a poor job introducing the piece. Grace is a sheriffs deputy if that helps any

      • Abigail Erynne

        Pretty sure my confusion stems entirely from newbie syndrome. 😉 Looking forward to reading more!

        • Adrian

          Haha well you can always explain your confusion to me and I can try to get you unconfused.

  5. Amy

    “This is you. This is not a president.” I love this scene, and I love how Grace handles this stuff. Hopefully that guy is as mortified as he should be.

    • Adrian

      Haha he’s not. It’s not his first time being caught with this issue

  6. tpolen

    If you’re going to make counterfeit, guess you have to leave your mark on it some way, although I’d think a pic of yourself is going a little overboard – he must be very proud of his work!

    • Adrian

      Haha stupidly proud of his work.

  7. Michelle

    Nice excerpt. Don’t try to hard to catch up just keep trying to hit goals from where you are. Hope you feel better and good luck from a ROW80 blog hopping friend.

    • Adrian


  8. John Holton

    Feels good to get ahead on blog posts, doesn’t it?

    • Adrian

      It does a bit!

  9. Alana Terry

    O weird. Bet the secret service isn’t happy.

    • Adrian

      Haha probably not

  10. Pax Asteriae

    Haha, that’s absolutely brilliant!

    I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. 🙂

    • Adrian

      Thanks and thanks! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter

  11. K.S. Norton

    Grace. So damn awesome. I would hate to be caught by her. And I’m glad that your feeling better as well.

    • Adrian

      Actually I would love to be caught by her because she’s nice unless you give her problems

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