Dog Chases #row80 and #WIPpet

January 21, 2015
Written by adrianjsmith

I’ve been doing a lot of writing so far this week. It’s been so relaxing and awesome. Grace through Redemption had started the beta reading process and I got the prologue back last night. w00t! I hope the novel will be done soon. Unfortunately my brand new barely a month old computer has been crashing. So I lost some record of my daily word counts. I tried to cobble them together. Also…I’m really mad that my brand new computer is giving me this many issues. It’s hard to get anything done on it.

  • write 1667 words a day
    • Sunday — 2545
    • Monday — 2404
    • Tuesday — 3825
  • Blog posts each week:ROW80,WIPpet, Open When, and 1 extra post
    • I had planned for an extra Open When Tuesday, but I didn’t do it, so now Thursday. Other than that I have all the blog posts for this week going well.
  • Audio: Record/Edit a chapter a week
    • Haven’t touched this goal yet.

Now for WIPpet Wednesday. I’m still writing Grace through Redemption, even though it’s with beta’s. They’re taking it chapter by chapter and it’s really good motivation for writing the next chapter should I need it. Since I’m having issues picking an excerpt. Here’s 21 sentences for the day of the month from Grace through Redemption called “Moving Day” you’ll find out why shortly. It’s short sentences since it’s mostly dialogue.

Letting out a breath, Grace pushed open the car door and stood up straight. She shut the door quickly, really not wanting a repeat chase of the dog. She said nothing. Amya grabbed her by the cheeks and kissed her hard. Grace felt tears prick at her eyes again and clenched them closed as much as she could so Amya wouldn’t see.

“Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not true,” Amya whispered.

“What are you talking about?”

Amya narrowed her eyes and then shook her head. She opened the door and grabbed the dogs collar, not bothering with a leash. She dragged her back into the bedroom, Grace hot on her heels, locking Roslin in the room.

“Izzy is still outside. I was wondering what was taking you so long, and you didn’t answer your phone.”

“My phone? I—” Grace felt around her pockets but didn’t find the item she was looking for. Amya held her hand up, Grace’s phone between her fingers.

“You left it at my house.”

“Oh. Dog got loose.”

“I see that. Took you an hour to find her?”

“An hour?”


“She runs fast,” Grace narrowed her eyes and pouted. If an hour had truly past then she was worse at catching someone than she thought she was.

Sighing, she walked back out to her car and pulled out the last box from the back. She carried it into the house and deposited it in the spare bedroom. When she turned around, Amya was standing in the doorway.

“The guys are loading up the first truck load.”

“Good,” Grace muttered.

“What happened?”

Grace’s head shot up. She shook it when she realized Amya was talking more deeply than she had anticipated. Damn that woman for seeing things Grace didn’t want her to see. “Nothing, just was thinking.”


“How I’m a bad cop and yadda yadda. I know.” Grace held up her hand. “Don’t say it.”

“Good.” Amya wrapped her arms around Grace’s middle and rested her chin on Grace’s shoulder. “At least you said it to yourself this time so I don’t have to say it.”

Grace snorted. “Yeah. Now, come on. Let’s get you moved in here. I need to shovel the new snow for the guys.”

And that’s my WIPpet for today! See you all on the flip side. =P

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  1. K.S. Norton

    They’re moving in together, awesome. Although, I really didnt see that coming and what happened to Grace? Oh, no. I hope everything works out for her.

    • Adrian

      They are. This novel takes place a year after the first one so yeah time is time.

      Grace is having issues lol which is normal.

  2. Kate Sparkes

    Which cheeks did she grab her by? 😀

    • Adrian


  3. conquerpublishing

    Hi Adrian, great job. You’re really kicking ass on your word count. Keep up the good work. I do have a question I was hoping you could answer. I’m already part of ROW80. But I was wondering what WIPpet was? I see WIPpet all over the ROW80 blog, but I have no idea what it is.


    • Adrian

      Sure. Basically you make a blog post with an excerpt of your work in progress that correlates to the date somehow. There’s a link to hook them all up to to check out every ones.

      The one time i dont post what it is. Lol

  4. tpolen

    Your word count is inspirational – nice excerpt!

    • Adrian


  5. Amy

    I’m still giggling at Kate’s comment.

    I love these two. *sigh* They really are good together. I like this scene too for it’s kind of ordinary-ness–just this slice of life together. Even with all that’s been going on in their lives, at the end of the day, they’re still just Grace and Amya.

    • Adrian

      They are!!

  6. Cindy

    Neat. Like the snippet. 🙂

    Hope the computer issues go away.

    • Adrian

      Im hoping they do too. Im scared ro put anything on the comp

  7. ReGi McClain

    Did the Loneliness Ebbs Deep cover change?

    Amya in this scene reminds me a bit of a stereotyped meddling mother. 😛 I *ahem* assumed you meant Grace’s facial cheeks, which added to the image. It’s nice that she’s there to remind Grace not to beat up on herself. 🙂

    • Adrian

      Yes it did change. Had to get it off the adult only list.

      I think amya is more the constant support that Grace needs and craves

      • ReGi McClain

        I like the new cover. 🙂

        • Adrian

          Me too!!!

  8. kathils

    Kate is sooooooo naughty. Of course you meant her facial cheeks.

    Or not.

    I agree with Amy, this is a nice, ordinary piece that shows the comfort and connection between these two.

    • Adrian

      Thanks! Thats my goal for where their relationship is now. So im glad its working.

  9. Pax Asteriae

    Congratulations on the word count! And boo for the computer. If it’s not giving you any specific error messages, might it be worth backing everything up and refreshing/reinstalling the OS? It’s a major hassle, but it can help sometimes…

    That’s such a sweet excerpt, their relationship and love comes across so nicely in the dialogue. And yeah… poor Grace, I would not be surprised it took an hour to catch the dog.

    • Adrian

      Thanks! I think were going to mail it back and make then fix it.

      I love these two a lot. Finishing with them is going to be hard. They’re finally in that calm part of a relationship where they know the beats. And yeah…its taken me an hour to catch a dog like that before.

  10. bevbaird

    Awesome word count is right! looks like you are well towards your goals. Computers can be such pains in the you-know-what. Great excerpt!

    • Adrian

      Haha they can be. Thanks!!

  11. Ruth Nestvold

    I really like the interaction between the characters here, but the logistics from the car to the bedroom confused me and had me going back to re-read. But I’m sure you’ll sort it out in the rewrite. 🙂

    Excellent word count! Paint me green with envy. *g*

    • Adrian

      Thanks and thanks! Rewrites commence when writing ends. =P

  12. shanjeniah

    I was confused, too. And I still loved the scene. Grace all flustered and down on herself, and Amya is just matter-of-fact…and I’ve definitely had trouble cathing dogs, too, so that rings very true.

    • Adrian

      Yeah. I love these two

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