Good morning! I only have about negative 5 minutes to write this before I have to run off to add day churchy stuff,...
Excitement of Creation #ROW80 and #WIPpetWednesday
Good morning! As I mentioned when I first posted these goals that they were the goals through April at least. It looks...
trying to keep up #ROW80
Well...I'm back!!! I've got a lot going on in general, but it always seems to pile up. This week the SO was home for 4...
Secrets Unbidden #ROW80 & #WIPpetWednesday
Morning! I can hear the birds chirping outside. It's been my morning wake up for the last week or so. That means...
The Writing Maverick #ROW80
Good morning!! Today is going to be a busy day for me, and until the SO goes to work, I may not get any time to write....
Oh boy…#WIPpetWednesday
So I'm trying to get back into this whole writing thing. I can come up with excuse after excuse for why I haven't been...
Ch-ch-ch-changes! #ROW80
So I'm making some changes to my goal list for this round, mostly because I finished my book and have other things to...
On Fire!!! #ROW80 & #WIPpetWednesday
Well, it's Wednesday. That means I get to post a ROW80 update and a WIPpet update. I woke up this morning with a...
#ROW80 update — Almost done!
Hello all! My in laws are in town this weekend, so I'm going to make it quick. I have been writing! If I stick with my...
Funny Money #WIPpetWednesday and #ROW80
I really must apologize for not visiting anyone last week. Between having a crappy weekend and then dealing and...
Just another update #ROW80
I haven't had the greatest weekend. It was the first time in a while that I woke up yesterday, stared at my computer...
Dog Chases #row80 and #WIPpet
I've been doing a lot of writing so far this week. It's been so relaxing and awesome. Grace through Redemption had...
Time and time again #ROW80
I finally got days off. Friday was my first day off since January 3rd, and I took it and ran with it. It felt soon...
A promotion opportunity… #ROW80 and #WIPpetWednesday
Good morning, world! As my crazy week continues into day eleven of no time off, I've decided to take half days....
A quick update on a busy weekend #ROW80
Hey all! My weekend went from semi-busy to crazy busy in the span of about 4 hours. Friday I was supposed to have a...
A few days down, a ton more to go. #ROW80 & #WIPpetWednesday
Good morning all! I'm excited to report that it's the start of a new year and the start of a new round of ROW80, as if...
Goals for the first round of the year! #ROW80
Well, it's the start of a new round, meaning I have to make some goals up. I certainly should have been thinking about...
Christmas Eve isn’t as relaxed as it used to be #ROW80 & #WIPpetWednesday
Christmas Eve isn't a break for me like it used to be. I was just telling the SO the other day that it's a bit weird...
It’s that time of year #ROW80
It's that time of year when things all get smashed together in a short period of time. Happy things and sad things....
So little to choose from … #ROW80 and #WIPeptWednesday
I haven't been doing much writing lately. I think it's because of my mood and because I'm not quite sure what I want...