A Lenten Fast #blogging #life #writing #newreleases #editing

April 6, 2015
Written by adrianjsmith

Well, it has been a long time since I’ve been on this blog. I unintentionally gave up blogging for Lent it seems. Go figure. I ran into one of the busiest few months of my life, even busier than wedding planning and moving across country and starting a new job. I’m not sure I thought that was possible. But yesterday was Easter, and that means fasting — whether intentionally or not — is over. So I’m back.

It’s a bright and beautiful Monday morning. Typically that means on my blog that I get to talk about Broken Taboos. But I think I’m just going to take today to catch you all up on what I’ve been doing. Which hasn’t been much in the writing world, I’m afraid.

I haven’t really truly written since January, although there have been a few moments of quick writing here and there. I did start a sci fi short story about this very interesting character. It’s written in first person POV, which is not my norm at all, but I wanted to experiment a bit and what better way to do that than in a short story? It’s been loads of fun, but I do need to finish it. Cheska agreed to help out this scientist while they try to discover patterns and more information about geomagnetic storms in space. So yeah, pretty cool. I’m hoping it’ll be accepted for an anthology.

I’ve been doing a lot of copy-editing since January. I don’t know why, but the copy-editing side of my life has boomed. I’ve had about two pieces a month to edit, which while I love copy-editing, it means I don’t write as much. I do believe that once the SO gets a “real” job, meaning one that pays more than half of what I make a month, then I’ll drop the copy-editing down to minimal so I can focus on writing some more.

Other than that!! Life is amazing! Books are amazing!

I’ve got three releases coming up between May 1 and June 1. Which includes parties and so much more! I’m finally getting around to you know, answering emails and such, and setting up some promo. Now that I can focus on stuff not day job related for awhile.

So…since I’m on the promo kick! I’ll put it out there.

I have a HUGE, and I mean HUGE, release party for Memoir in the Making happening May 1-8. I’m looking for a ton of people to takeover the event. I’m also looking for donations if that’s more your thing. Memoir in the Making is a romance, so if you’re intro writing romancey things, this one might be good to join in on. Here’s the link to the sign up.

Since I’m releasing Fallen from Grace (Spirit of Grace #2) June 1 (see? I told you–so many releases). I’m looking for people to read and review For by Grace to try and up my reviews on Amazon. There are multiple reasons for this, which if I do get enough reviews, I’ll share in a blog post later. The sign up sheet or rather, information collecting sheet, is right here for this one.

My third release for this insanity is a short story in an anthology. Young Love, Old Hearts. It’s a May-December, Old-Young anthology. This is probably my favorite short story I’ve every written. It just feels like I hit the nail on the head with it, and that happens so rarely. I get bubbly every time I think about this short.

Anyway! Enough of the business side of things.

At home!!! We got a new puppy! Well puppy is my term for her. She’s a seven year old chocolate lab mix, she’s adorable, she knows how to roll over and spin in circles, and she listens, and is snuggly. She loves my pittie! They get along fantastically, and I really couldn’t have asked for more in a dog (well, maybe better breath). So I think that completes our furfamily. Two dogs and two cats is plenty!

The SO is graduating with a BA in May! I’m so excited and proud. Can’t wait to see the SO walk with cap and gown. It’s been a long time coming. That also means the SO has to start looking for a career rather than just a job to pay the bills. Which I’m sure the SO is uber happy about. =P

On another note, I’ve been crocheting scarves a lot lately. I’m waiting to see if the idea I have in store will come to fruition, but I’m thinking an author and fan charity donation of knitted and crocheted scarves to one particular group (yes, I’m being a bit vague on purpose). What I noticed, aside from all of us authors having furbabies), is that a lot of us love to crochet or knit. No idea why, but it’s something pretty common among the community. I figure fans are also the same way since reading and crocheting/knitting seem to go hand in hand. The donations would go to women who are leaving domestic abuse situations. Which is something I’m very passionate about.

It’s something I’ve tried to bring to light a few times in my Spirit of Grace series and in my personal life. There is a second organization that would before foster care kids who are in college, which is also something I’m passionate about bringing awareness to. But…this one is still in the works, but if you’re interested, let me know!

Wow! This turned out to be a long post!! Love you all! Missed you! Can’t wait for WIPpet Wednesday!

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1 Comment

  1. K.S. Norton

    Welcome back and huzzah for the awesome productivity and life aspiration. Congrats on your SO for the upcoming graduation. I know that will be a fun event. Lots of busy marketing and publishing happening, I’m excited for you. We have missed you too!

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