An update and a hope! #ROW80

August 10, 2014
Written by adrianjsmith

Hello all! Here I am on a Sunday morning typing up a post. Usually I do these on Saturday because my Sunday mornings are insane (preacher and all). Anyway, here’s my quick and handy update.


1. Fallen from Grace: write 1 chapter a week (moving week excluded) — I wrote chapter 14 this week, and my beta readers are caught up to me. That means I have to write chapter 15 today or tomorrow, and that, my friends, is the very last chapter in this novel! Squeee!!!!!!
2. Promo: Answer three interview questions a day until done
3. Promo: Write out a guest post a week until done
4. Lovely, Dark, and Deep short story needs to be written/plotted 2k a day due Aug 31st — I will be starting on this shortly as soon as the novel is finished.
5. Paranormal Romance short story 2k/day due Aug 9th — Gave up on this

I received a rejection this week for a short story I submitted back in July. It was sad, but I left the ending wide open to become a novel, so I think it’s going to be on my project list for next year. Maybe I’ll get 4 books written next year. Eeeek!

I’m going to be participating in a short story writing sprint for submission to the same publisher who rejected me. It’s post-apocalyptic and/or zombie. I’m interested to see how it’s going to go. That’ll be this coming Saturday.

I’m also debating on turning the rejected story into the Lovely, Dark, and Deep short story. I would need to add at least 4,000 words to it for the submission guidelines to fit, but I think I can do it. It’s percolating in my brain right now while I finish up Fallen from Grace. We shall see.

Off to church!

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  1. John Holton

    Interesting juxtaposition, “Fallen From Grace” and “Off to church!” 😉

    You got a lot done this week!

    • Adrian

      I got a chapter written so not much done. =P that is an interesting juxtaposition and one certainly played on on the series

  2. L.S. Engler

    That’s one good thing about rejections: it opens the door to other possibilities! I’m in a similar boat myself, trying to decide what to do with a longer piece that won’t be accepted many other places due to being previously published for a contest.

    Best of luck, whether the story may lead you! Just have to keep shooting them out until finally, we hit our marks.

    • Adrian

      I started writing short stories to help get my name out a bit more but I still prefer writing novels. What genre do you write?

  3. Johnetta

    Too funny- I scrolled halfway down the page by accident and saw that picture of your salad and was like, “That looks like it’s from Olive Garden.” Yup. I was right. Amazing the stupid little things we re2rbmee&#8m30;. Now I just gotta use that noggin for midterms! Happy Anniversary.

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