#Row80 check in for round 1

January 10, 2021
Written by adrianjsmith

I’m going to try to consistently check in this time, and I’m aiming for once a week. Not sure yet if that’ll be Wednesdays or Sundays….today it seems to be a Sunday haha.

This week didn’t start off so great and I got behind in my outlined schedule of what I should be doing because you know people be crazy, but I made up for a lot of it Friday, and I’m mostly back on schedule assuming I finish writing the chapter I started this morning.

I’m currently writing Country Style, which is a May/December contemp romance with one singular cowgirl and a musician who needs a break. It’s going well. I’m almost halfway through it and should finish it next Friday. Then I’ll be on to writing Race War (Agent Morgan Stone #2), which is a book I’ve been kind of avoiding writing for a few months now.

Friday I hosted some all day sprinting and managed just under 17,000 words in one day. Holy cow. That was a lot! My brain was definitely done by the end of it. I’ll hopefully be doing the same this coming Friday.

Overall, my goals are going well for being about a week in to this thing. =P

Round 1 Goals

  1. WRITE – Country Style – IN PROGRESS
  2. EDIT – Lawyer Piece
  3. WRITE – Race War (Agent Morgan Stone #2)
  4. EDIT – Young & Old (Missing Persons #3)
  5. WRITE – Beware (Quarter Life #4)
  6. EDIT – Country Style
  7. WRITE – Alone & Lonely (Missing Persons #4)
  8. Edit – Race War (Agent Morgan Stone #2)
  9. MARKET – Stone’s Mistake (Agent Morgan Stone #1)
  10. MARKET – Release (Quarter Life #3)

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  1. Chris Kincaid

    A long time ago, I realized that I can’t post an update twice a week. It just was too much pressure to get anything done in just 3 or 4 days.
    Best of luck with your goals this round

  2. Fallon

    17000 words in one day! That is AMAZING.

  3. ruichan2380

    Wow, what a Friday! Congratulations!! ^^

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