WIPpet Wednesday! April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014
Written by adrianjsmith

It’s WIPpet Wednesday! w00t! And I can join this week, so it’s an even bigger wOOt!! Last week I spent a wonderful time at Rainbow Conference in Tampa, FL with a bunch of like minded people. It was great and fantastic and overwhelming all at once. I learned so much and met a bunch of people andandandAND I can’t even continue it was such an amazing experience. I can’t wait for next year. I’ll eventually write a post about the weekend with some of my notes from the panels and guidelines to con-going.

This week I also got a new part-time job working with low income kids. I think it’s a great opportunity for me, and one I’m going to sincerely enjoy.

Now… I have two favors for yous peoples. If you have a blog, twitter, facebook, anything that you can use to post on it, PLEASE OH PLEASE sign up for these two cover reveals. The more people who shout it out, the better.

The first is for my novel, For by Grace, TBR June 1. The cover reveal is May 1. This is a F/F Crime/Mystery COPS style novel that you’ve gotten a few excerpts from in the course of WIPpeting. If you live in the DFW area, I’m also going to have a release party on June 2! Here’s the link! All you need to do is sign up, and Rachael the Majestic will shoot you an email.

The second reveal is for S. A. Snow’s debut novel, Across Worlds: Collision. This novel is a sci-fi/erotica blended genre with mixed gender tendencies, so M/F and F/F. It’s a fantastic read to say the least because it’s not just all sex. There actually is plot in it! This book will be released August 1 by Acquitted Books. The cover reveal is set up for June 14th. Here’s the link to sign up.


The excerpt this week comes from chapter 10 of Ashes Fall — yes, I’m still working on chapter 10, but I’m going to finish it in about five minutes. There are fourteen sentences for the year, ’14. So that’s what you get. This is actually the very last bit of chapter ten. I’ll be asking for cover reveal goodies on this one too as soon as it gets closer to release date and I actually edit the damn thing. Release date is September 1 *shoot me now*



“I have a question.”

Lily moved over to where Norma sat and mimicked her position on the mirrored sofa.

“Shoot,” Lily said.

Norma cringed at Lily’s choice of words before starting. “In the house, when the deputies were there, after Darcy died—did you make the gun go off?”

Seconds ticked by. Norma heard each one as the large clock in the hallway echoed through the room. Tension burst and coiled in her stomach as she waited for the simple answer or the long drawn-out explanation. Lily licked her lips, and all the air in Norma’s lungs released with a whoosh as Lily answered.

“Yes. I heated the gun until it went off and shot him in the stomach.” Lily blinked before she stood up and walked out of the room with a sway to her hips.

If you would like to join in WIPpet Wednesday’s it’s uber simple. Write a blog post with an excerpt of your current WIP (Work In Progress). The excerpt must in some way correlate to the date. Feel free to get crazy with the math. Then when that’s all done and finished, you head on over here and link it up. Go and read the other posts, comment because we’re comment whores, and get on to more writing or editing or whatever it was you were doing. Thanks to the awesome KL for hosting this thing each week.



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  1. Amy

    Dang. It doesn’t matter that I’ve read it before, Lily just freaks me out. Was she this creepy in Forever Burn? I don’t recall her being so…awful.

    • Adrian

      She had a much much smaller role in Forever Burn. I think there were only 2-3 scenes from her POV. She was creepy in it, least I think so, but not to this extent!

      I’m happy she freaks you out!

  2. Ruth Nestvold

    Wow, what a “loaded” excerpt! That said, I have the feeling you could up the tension in this scene even more by cutting some excess words (like “before starting”) and emphasize the physical sensations of Norma’s anxiety during the conversation even more.

    Sorry I won’t be able to help with the cover reveal May 1st! I’m putting all social media on the back burner while I’m in Spain, with the possible exception of some travel pics — but I’m not even promising that. 🙂

    • Adrian

      That’s okay! I would up the tension but the rest of the novel is pretty tension oriented and I don’t want to overwhelm the reader anymore than they already are. Thanks for stopping by!

      • Ruth Nestvold

        Ok, that’s a very good argument. 🙂

  3. Xina Marie Uhl

    Ooooh, great excerpt! Love how you left us hanging!

    • Adrian


  4. Eden

    Every time you write about Lily, I get those tingles that say “really cool… from a distance”. I think I like her the same way I like watching Hannibal.

    • Adrian

      That sounds like a great description of what you should be feeling about her!!

  5. kathils

    Love Eden’s reply. Being as I like the creepy characters, I’m oddly drawn to Lily in a similar fashion. Like approaching something intriguing but likely to blow up in your face.

    I’ll be out of town 25-27 and again the 2-4…but if you can get me the cover reveal info I can schedule a post for the 1st.

    • Adrian

      If you sign up, it’ll get sent to you pretty quickly. =P

      I love creepy characters too. Have fun bring out of town!!

  6. ReGi McClain

    Huh. A little on the wacko side, that Lilly. This is the part where I start lecturing Norma in an attempt to keep her imaginary life from becoming more complicated.

    • Adrian

      Her life gets VERY complicated

  7. Emily Witt

    Oh, yikes! I was going to ask if Lily deliberately used the word “Shoot” even though she possibly knew what was coming, but by the end I was pretty sure she did. The casualness of that last line was chilling.

    • Adrian


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